Trellis Sunday: The Upcycle Campaign

Upcycling funds for deeper discipleship, for perpetuity. Trellis Foundation catalyzes biblical, intentional and innovative discipleship in the ECCC, as a legacy of Covenant Bible College. Since 2014 we’ve supported 93 disciple-deepening initiatives, disbursing over $446,000 by 2021 – including support for spiritual formation retreats across the Canadian Covenant.

What’s Jesus growing in your community? Let’s get those seedlings off the ground!

Apply for a grant to Upcycle CBC legacy funds:

Apply for a Discipleship Grant by April 27th or November 1st, 2022.

Or Donate Now to Upcycle your cold hard cash…

…into spiritual transformation for generations to come! Make a donation today. 

Upcycle your math

Along with deeper discipleship, Trellis can help you Upcycle your math skills.

  • Start with $1.6 million invested in the Trellis Fund in 2014,
  • subtract $446,000 in grants disbursed,
  • minus 8 years of operating expenses,
  • add more than $109,000 in donations,
  • and what do you get?

How about $2.1 million and growing in the Trellis Fund (as of January 31, 2022) — thanks to wise fund management by QV Investors and the grace of God!

Growing fruit from a contemplative retreat

Phileena Heuertz and Pilgrimage of a Soul book cover

With Trellis funding in 2019, Lighthouse Community Church hosted a retreat called The Simple Journey. Led by Phileena Heuertz from the Gravity Center for Contemplative Activism, the weekend introduced contemplative practices to people from around the region of Sarnia, Ontario.

The Upcycle Campaign video includes Kristine Wildschut, from Lighthouse Community, sharing about how that retreat and centring prayer are growing good fruit in her walk with Jesus. (Full interview video is coming soon.)

Kristine Wildschut speaking in the interview




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